Current Issue

Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 12/23/24

Year: 2024

Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Education (KSUJED) is a scientific and blind-reviewed journal. It aims to promote original research papers and review studies with particular contributions in the field of education.

It is paramount of importance to note for the authors that the editorial board considers publishing primarily novel and original research ideas in terms of both theory and practice within the scope of educational scientific research. Original high-quality studies incorporating quantitative, qualitative and/or mixed-methods research methodologies are published in KSUJED. These studies should have focus on any of the following diverse fields of education: Educational Sciences, Foreign Language Education, (English, Turkish or other) Language Teaching, Social Studies Education, Fine Arts Education, Primary Education, Computer and Instructional Technologies Education, Mathematics and Science Education, Special Education. 

Authors must prepare the following documents for manuscript submission.

1. Copyright Release Form - Download here.
It must include all authors' names and contact details be signed by the corresponding author.

2. Similarity Report - Download here.

SIMILARITY REPORT: Please upload the originality report of the manuscript. Originality report is a plagiarism test report. Our Authors needs to provide fulltext originality report as a pdf file. Originality report must be prepared by following the rules below; EXCLUDE QUOTES: OFF EXCLUDE BIBLIOGRAPHY: ON EXCLUDE MATCHES: OFF. The acceptable originality report percentage for KSUJED is <=25%. After examining the originality report (<=25%), the editorial team will decide whether the manuscript will be directed to pre-review session.

3. Full Text - Download here.
When preparing your manuscript, please use and follow our template and upload it as Full Text File

4. Ethics Committee Approval and Research Permissions - Download here.

Ethics Committee Approval Certificate: For researches and practices on humans, it is mandatory that the ethics committees of the relevant units are approved. In this context, scientific researches and studies conducted by researchers in face-to-face or computer-based environments by means of data collection methods such as questionnaire, test, scale, interview, observation, painting, drawing, video film and voice recording require approval of the ethics committee. Ethics Committee Approval Certificate is mandatory for human research. If there is no Ethics Committee Approval Certificate, the authors must give the reason as supporting file. Please upload all documents as a single PDF document.

5. Ethical Declaration for Research - Download here.
You can use it for referring to studies in which the data were collected before 2020.

6. Title Page - Download here.
Title Page should include: Paper Title; Running Head; Author Name Surname; Affiliation, Address, City, Country, email address and ORCID and if necessary, Acknowledgement.

Submission Guidelines

KSUJED initiates the editorial processing for studies written in accordance with APA7 style of formatting and reporting.
Manuscript Template is enclosed in the link to the Full Text as shown above. Manuscripts not prepared in line with the guidelines in the template will not be evaluated for publication purposes. 

Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Education Journal (KSUJED) has adopted the development and distribution of knowledge in an impartial and respectful manner. During the publication process, KSUJED expects authors, readers, researchers, publishers, reviewers and editors to comply with ethical rules. These stakeholders should pay attention to the standard general and specific ethical rules and responsibilities shared below, according to the open access guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

I. General actions against scientific research and publication ethics
a) Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, practices, writings, figures or works of others as their own work, in whole or in part, without attribution in accordance with scientific ethical rules,

b) Forgery: To produce data that is not based on research, to edit or change the presented or published work on the basis of untrue data, to report or publish these, to present an unfinished research as if it has been done,

c) Distortion: To falsify research records and obtained data, to present methods, devices and materials that are not used in the research as if they were used, not to evaluate the data that are not suitable for the research hypothesis, to manipulate the data or results in order to fit the relevant theory or assumptions, to falsify or modify research results in line with the interests of the people and organizations that receive support.

d) Duplicate publication: To present more than one work containing the same results of a research as separate works in associate professor examination evaluations and academic promotions,

e) Slicing: Presenting the results of a research as separate works in certain exam evaluations and academic incentives and promotions by dividing the results of a research in a way that violates the integrity of the research, by dividing it into parts inappropriately and by making multiple publications without reference to each other.

f) Unfair authorship: Adding non-active contributors as article co-authors, not including active contributors among authors, changing the order of authors unjustifiably and inappropriately, removing the names of active contributors from the manuscript paper at the time of publication or in subsequent editions, to include one’s name among the authors by third-party influence on the actual authors even though there is no active contribution,

g) Other types of ethical violations: Not clearly stating the supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions in the publications of the research carried out with support, not complying with the ethical rules in research on humans and animals, not respecting the rights of patients in their publications. To share the information in the work with others before it is published, to misuse the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or reserved for scientific research, to accuse completely baseless, groundless and willful violation of ethics (Turkish Council of Higher Education Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8)

II. All parties’ responsibilities.
1. Authors’ Responsibilities
• It must be declared that all data in the article are real and original.
• It is mandatory to revise the manuscripts in terms of plagiarism, errors, suspicious situations and suggested corrections as a result of pre-evaluation or referee evaluation of the submission. If it will not be done, the reason must be given in a consistent manner.
• The complete list of “References” of the manuscript must be ensured completely in line with the rules of our journal.
• Plagiarism and fake or fabricated data must be avoided.
• The research manuscript cannot be allowed to be published in more than one journal.
2. Reviewers’ Responsibilities
The administration of our journal is committed to the successful execution and improvement of the reviewing process within the framework of ethical publishing rules. We welcome the stakeholders and readers of the studies to notify the e-mail address of of plagiarism, duplicate publications, inaccuracies, suspicious content or situations they see (or in the reviews) in KSUJED. KSUJED notifies the relevant parties and monitors the results obtained on this suspicious process. KSUJED expects the reviewers to comply with the following principles.
• Evaluations should be made impartially.
• There should be no conflict of interest between the reviewers and the stakeholders of the article subject to evaluation.
• It should be pointed out that other articles, research, sources, citations, APA rules and of similar concerns related to the manuscript should be completed.
• Articles that have been evaluated based on the double-blind peer-review system cannot disclose the reviewers.
3. Editors’ Responsibilities
• Editors have the responsibility and authority to accept or reject articles. They have to use this responsibility and authority properly.
• Editors cannot have a conflict of interest regarding the articles they accept or reject.
• Editors should accept original articles that will contribute to the field.
• Editors can reject incomplete and erroneous research that does not comply with the journal policy and publication rules without any influence of others.
• Editors should allow incorrect, incomplete and problematic articles to be withdrawn before or after the reviewer’s report, or to be published after they have been corrected.
• The editors ensure that the articles evaluated by at least two reviewers are evaluated according to the double-blind reviewing system and keep the reviewers confidential.
Editors ensure that articles are not plagiarized and unpublished and they are original through the “Turnitin” plagiarism program.

Plagiarism Policy
Every review that comes to our journal is screened in the Turnitin plagiarism program. Editors, reviewers and authors are obliged to comply with the international publication ethical rules and to comply with the writing rules of the articles.

KSUJED does not charge authors for any fee for any submission, peer review, or publication.

Open Access Policy
KSUJED provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.